Alpine Archery WhisperFlite Fall Away Match Grade Rest
(Ball Bearing)- RH
Item is available.
Affordable, innovative, rugged and easy to set up, this rest is a "must have"!!!
This new and innovative rest is a "no bones about it" product. Alpine has done it better by taking into account every possible feature.
Alpine's launcher acts as a built in arrow holder...
The launchers on the Whisperflite rest are designed to cradle the arrow while it is in the lowered position. We also supply a self adhesive fleece pad to reduce noise as you draw the bow.
Your choice, cable slide or buss pull...
Just thread your rope into different holes in the radial pull lever to change the direction of pull.
Match Grade quality, with instrument grad ball bearings...
Our Match Grade rest is built with 2 ball bearings mounted into the mounting bracket to assure absolute accuracy shot after shot for years of trouble free shooting.
Easy vertical adjustment...
Independent from the horizontal adjustment, making it easier to hold the desired settings needed. The stop lever protruding from the bottom of the radial pull lever rests against a socket head screw mounted in a slot for easy adjustment.
Slick, precise windage adjustment...
Windage adjustment is a snap with our innovative launcher mounted on the unique stainless steel hex launcher bar. Just loosen the three socket head screws and slide to your desired setting.
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