Article 2:

  The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership (TRCP), working closely with its partner organizations led by the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (IAFWA), the American Sportfishing Association and the Congressional Sportsmen Foundation, facilitated a multi-year effort that ensured lawmakers that creating this highway bill would address the priorities of the hunting, fishing and conservation community.
"The new funding in this highway bill will have a very meaningful impact on fish and wildlife populations," said Terry Riley, vice president of policy for the TRCP. "In some parts of the country more animals such as deer are killed by vehicles than by hunters, and current highway projects include plantings that actually attract deer and other animals to highways. We've known there are ways to address these problems-we just haven't had the necessary funding. We also haven't had funding for the agencies responsible for access roads to hunting areas such as national forests. Now we'll be able to improve those roads and make it easier for the public to get into good hunting and fishing areas."