Table Rock Lake: Located in the Missouri Ozarks and Always in Season also list of fishing guides
Whitetail Deer
The white-tailed deer ranks as one of the smartest and most elusive game animals in the world. No hunter can match the whitetail's stealth or its uncanny ability to detect and avoid danger. For this reason, the hunter must do everything he can to shift the odds in his favor. And, the best way of doing that is to familiarize himself with deer behavior and habitat preferences. Without this knowledge, the hunter is not hunting ; he is simply walking through the woods, depending on luck to be successful.
Thoughts About "The Rut" Most deer hunters today are savvy enough to know that what we call "the rut" is not a one-week period of time when most of the breeding gets done. It is actually a several-month cycle, and we've mistakenly given the peak of that cycle the name for the entire process. In other words, don't confuse "the rut" with "the peak of the rut." Why does this matter? Bucks are willing and able to mate as soon as their antlers harden. Understanding that bucks are ready and impatient to mate is key to the hunter, because it explains why the actual peak of the rut is not the best time to hunt. The week or two prior to the peak is best because only a few does come into estrus, which causes the bucks to go crazy looking for a willing partner. That means they travel farther, they will do so during daylight hours, and they will be less cautious. Don't wait until all the bigger bucks are cuddled up to a friendly doe, where they will remain for 24 hours until she's no longer willing to mate. Do the lion's share of your hunting just before the bucks are paired up with does.
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